1仲直り |
Hiragana :なかなおり
書き方 :
Meaning :reconciliation, make peace with
Ex :母はその二人を仲直りさせようとした。
Trans :My mother attempted to reconcile the couple.
練習 :
2長引く |
Hiragana :ながびく
書き方 :
Meaning :to be prolonged, to drag on
Ex :長引く不況のために、多くの労働者が失業している。
Trans :Because of the protracted depression, many workers are unemployed.
3中身 |
Hiragana :なかみ
書き方 :
Meaning :contents, interior, substance, filling, (sword) blade
Ex :容器を見ずに中身を見よ。
Trans :Do not look upon the vessel but upon that which it contains.
4中指 |
Hiragana :なかゆび
書き方 :
Meaning :middle finger
練習 :
5仲良し |
Hiragana :なかよし
書き方 :
Meaning :intimate friend, close friend, bosom buddy, chum
Ex :彼らは向かいの新しい隣人と仲良しになった。
Trans :They have made friends with their new neighbors across the street.
練習 :
6慰める |
Hiragana :なぐさめる
書き方 :
Meaning :to comfort, to console, to amuse
Ex :夜の静けさが私たちを慰めてくれる。
Trans :The silence of the night comforts us.
練習 :
7亡くす |
Hiragana :なくす
書き方 :
Meaning :to lose something; to get rid of; to lose someone (wife, child, etc.)
Ex :私は14歳のときに、父をくも膜下出血で亡くした。
Trans :I lost my father to a subarachnoid haemorrhage when I was fourteen.
練習 :
8殴る |
Hiragana :なぐる
書き方 :
Meaning :to strike, to hit
Ex :痛い!由紀子!痛いよ。グーで殴るのはよせよ!
Trans :Ow! Yukiko! That hurts! Quit hitting me with your fists!
練習 :
9為す |
Hiragana :なす
書き方 :
Meaning :to build up, to establish; to form, to become (a state); to accomplish, to achieve, to succeed in; to change into; to do, to perform; to intend to, to attempt, to try; to have a child
Ex :彼女は一時に二事をなす能力をもっている。
Trans :She has a faculty for doing two things at once.
練習 :
10謎謎 |
Hiragana :なぞなぞ
書き方 :
Meaning :riddle, puzzle, enigma
Ex :もしそのなぞなぞに答えられなければ彼は食べられてしまうだろう。
Trans :If he could not answer the riddle, he would be eaten.
練習 :
11傾らか |
Hiragana :なだらか
書き方 :
Meaning :gently-sloping, gentle, easy
Ex :日本における今年の賃上げはなだらかなものだった。
Trans :Wage settlements in Japan this year were moderate.
練習 :
12懐かしい |
Hiragana :なつかしい
書き方 :
Meaning :dear, desired, missed
Ex :彼女は懐かしい思い出にふけった。
Trans :She indulged herself in nostalgic memories.
練習 :
13撫でる |
Hiragana :なでる
書き方 :
Meaning :to brush gently, to stroke, to caress
Ex :そよ風が彼女の顔をなでた。
Trans :The breeze kissed her face.
練習 :
14斜め |
Hiragana :ななめ
書き方 :
Meaning :slanting, tilted, sloping, diagonal, oblique; unusual, slanted (view of the world), bad (mood)
Ex :布を斜めに裁ちなさい。
Trans :Cut the cloth in a diagonal direction.
練習 :
15何分 |
Hiragana :なにぶん
書き方 :
Meaning :some, any, (a) little, of some kind, of some sort; please; anyway, anyhow, at any rate, after all
Ex :なにぶんこんな辺ぴな村に住んでいるので、めったに客は来ない。
Trans :Living as I do in a remote village, I seldom have visitors.
練習 :
16生意気 |
Hiragana :なまいき
書き方 :
Meaning :impertinent, saucy, cheeky, conceit, audacious, brazen
Ex :彼をからかうなんて生意気だ。
Trans :It is impudent of you to jest at him.
練習 :
17並木 |
Hiragana :なみき
書き方 :
Meaning :roadside tree, row of trees
Ex :我々は背の高いポプラ並木を歩いた。
Trans :We walked along an avenue of tall poplars.
練習 :
18倣う |
Hiragana :ならう
書き方 :
Meaning :to imitate, to follow, to emulate
練習 :
19鳴らす |
Hiragana :ならす
書き方 :
Meaning :to ring, to sound, to chime, to beat, to snort (nose); to be popular, to be esteemed, to be reputed; to state, to insist, to complain; to fart (loudly)
Ex :万一の場合にはベルを鳴らしなさい。
Trans :Ring the bell in an emergency.
練習 :
20生る |
Hiragana :なる
書き方 :
Meaning :to bear fruit
Ex :果実がなる樹木は、成長するための空間がかなり必要だ。
Trans :Fruit trees require a large amount of space in which to grow.
練習 :
21馴れる |
Hiragana :なれる
書き方 :
Meaning :become tame
練習 :
22南極 |
Hiragana :なんきょく
書き方 :
Meaning :South Pole; the Antarctic, Antarctica
Ex :無謀な男達が南極探検中に凍死した。
Trans :The reckless men froze to death during their expedition to the Antarctic.
練習 :
23南米 |
Hiragana :なんべい
書き方 :
Meaning :South America
Ex :当社の第一目標は南米市場を拡大することです。
Trans :Our primary objective is to expand the South American market.
練習 :
24南北 |
Hiragana :なんぼく
書き方 :
Meaning :south and north
Ex :日本は南北に長い国です。
Trans :Japan is a very long country from north to south.
練習 :
25煮える |
Hiragana :にえる
書き方 :
Meaning :to boil, to cook, to be cooked
Ex :煮え加減がちょうどよい。
Trans :It is boiled just enough.
練習 :
26匂う |
Hiragana :におう
書き方 :
Meaning :to be fragrant, to smell (good); to stink, to smell (bad); to glow, to be bright; to smack of, to show hints of
練習 :
27逃がす |
Hiragana :にがす
書き方 :
Meaning :to let loose, to set free, to let escape
Ex :鳥を逃がしてやってください。
Trans :Let the bird fly away.
練習 :
28憎い |
Hiragana :にくむ
書き方 :
Meaning :hateful, abominable, poor-looking, detestable; amazing, fantastic, admirable, lovely, wonderful
Ex :かわいさ余って憎さ百倍。
Trans :The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.
練習 :
29憎らしい |
Hiragana :にくらしい
書き方 :
Meaning :odious, hateful
Ex :彼はにくらしげに彼女をにらんだ。
Trans :He stared at her with hatred.
練習 :
30濁る |
Hiragana :にごる
書き方 :
Meaning :to become muddy, to become cloudy, to get impure (of a liquid, gas, etc.); to become dull (of a sound, color, etc.), to become hoarse; to become impure (of a heart, society, etc.), to be corrupted, to be polluted; to become voiced, to add voiced consonant marks
Ex :尿の色が濁っています。
Trans :My urine is cloudy.
練習 :
31虹 |
Hiragana :にじ
書き方 :
Meaning :rainbow
Ex :彼女のドレスはにじの色のほとんどがそろっている。
Trans :Her dresses show most of the hues of the rainbow.
練習 :
32日時 |
Hiragana :にちじ
書き方 :
Meaning :date and time
Ex :日時は指定されたが、場所は指定されていない。
Trans :The date has been appointed but the place has not.
練習 :
33日課 |
Hiragana :にっか
書き方 :
Meaning :daily lesson, daily work, daily routine
Ex :朝食前に新聞を読むのが私の日課です。
Trans :My routine is to read the newspaper before breakfast.
34日程 |
Hiragana :にってい
書き方 :
Meaning :schedule, program, programme, agenda
Ex :私たちは日程を考慮に入れるべきだった。
Trans :We should have taken the schedule into consideration.
35鈍い |
Hiragana :にぶい
書き方 :
Meaning :dull (e.g. a knife), blunt; thickheaded, obtuse, stupid; dull (sound, color, etc.), dim (light); slow, sluggish, inert, lethargic; indulgent (esp. to the opposite sex), doting
Ex :彼女の運転は、注意深いのではなくて、のろいのだ。
Trans :She drives not carefully but slowly.
練習 :
36入社 |
Hiragana :にゅうしゃ
書き方 :
Meaning :entry to a company
Ex :彼は高校卒業直後に入社した。
Trans :He joined the company right after he got through high school.
練習 :
37女房 |
Hiragana :にょうぼう
書き方 :
Meaning :wife (esp. one's own wife); court lady, female court attache, woman who served at the imperial palace; woman (esp. as a love interest)
Ex :彼は女房の尻に敷かれている。
Trans :He is a hen-pecked husband.
練習 :
38睨む |
Hiragana :にらむ
書き方 :
Meaning :to glare at, to scowl at, to glower at; to stare intensely at, to examine carefully; to estimate, to guess, to suspect, to judge; to keep an eye on someone (e.g. a suspicious or untrustworthy person), to watch; to take account of, to take into consideration
Ex :彼女は冷たくじろりとこちらをにらんだ。
Trans :She gave me the fish eye.
練習 :
39煮る |
Hiragana :にる
書き方 :
Meaning :to boil, to simmer, to stew, to seethe
Ex :ふたをして始めは強火、沸騰したら中火にして約7分間煮ます。
Trans :Put the lid on and start at high flame, when it boils set to medium flame and boil for about seven minutes.
練習 :
40俄 |
Hiragana :にわか
書き方 :
Meaning :sudden, abrupt, unexpected, improvised, offhand
Ex :両親が生きていたらどう思うかなんて僕にわかるわけがないじゃないか。
Trans :
練習 :
41縫う |
Hiragana :ぬう
書き方 :
Meaning :to sew, to stitch; to weave one's way (e.g. through a crowd)
Ex :彼女は服を縫っている。
Trans :She is sewing a dress.
練習 :
42濡らす |
Hiragana :ぬらす
書き方 :
Meaning :to wet, to soak, to dip
Ex :彼は手を濡らさずに大金をつかんだ。
Trans :He made a lot of easy money.
練習 :
43ねじ |
Hiragana :ねじ
書き方 :
Meaning :screw; key (of a clock, watch, etc.), spring (of a clock, watch, etc.)
Ex :僕がネジを回すと水が吹き出してきた。
Trans :When I turned the screw, water burst out.
練習 :
44捩る |
Hiragana :ねじる
書き方 :
Meaning :to screw, to twist; to distort, to parody, to make a pun; to torture, to wrest
Ex :背後に声がしたのでかのじょは体をねじって振り返った。
Trans :She twists around at a voice behind.
練習 :
45ネックレス |
Hiragana :ネックレス
書き方 :
Meaning :necklace
Ex :妹の誕生日に真珠のネックレスを贈った。
Trans :I gave my sister a pearl necklace on her birthday.
練習 :
46熱する |
Hiragana :ねっする
書き方 :
Meaning :to heat, to heat up
Ex :熱しやすく冷めやすい。
Trans :Fall in and out of love quickly.
47寝間着 |
Hiragana :ねまき
書き方 :
Meaning :sleep-wear, nightclothes, pyjamas, pajamas, nightgown, nightdress
練習 :
48狙い |
Hiragana :ねらい
書き方 :
Meaning :aim
Ex :またアフィ狙いの記事か。
Trans :Another spam article hoping for click-throughs?
練習 :
49狙う |
Hiragana :ねらう
書き方 :
Meaning :to aim at
Ex :猟師たちは銃でその象をねらった。
Trans :The hunters aimed at the elephant.
練習 :
50年度 |
Hiragana :ねんど
書き方 :
Meaning :fiscal year (usu. April 1 to March 31 in Japan), financial year; academic year, school year; product year
51農産物 |
Hiragana :のうさんぶつ
書き方 :
Meaning :agricultural produce
Ex :日本はアメリカの農産物の最大の輸入国である。
Trans :Japan is the largest importer of U.S. farm products.
練習 :
52農村 |
Hiragana :のうそん
書き方 :
Meaning :agricultural community, farm village; rural
練習 :
53濃度 |
Hiragana :のうど
書き方 :
Meaning :concentration, thickness, density; cardinality
54農薬 |
Hiragana :のうやく
書き方 :
Meaning :agricultural chemical (i.e. pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, etc.), agrochemical, agrichemical
Ex :彼らは果樹に農薬を散布している。
Trans :They are spraying the fruit trees.
練習 :
55能率 |
Hiragana :のうりつ
書き方 :
Meaning :efficiency; moment (i.e. magnetic moment)
Ex :商売では能率のよさということが最も重要な考えである。
Trans :Efficiency is the dominant idea in business.
56鋸 |
Hiragana :のこぎり
書き方 :
Meaning :saw; musical saw
Ex :父はのこぎりで木を切った。
Trans :My father cut wood with a saw.
練習 :
57残らず |
Hiragana :のこらず
書き方 :
Meaning :all, entirely, completely, without exception
Ex :彼は有り金残らず奪われた。
Trans :He was robbed of all his money.
練習 :
58載せる |
Hiragana :のせる
書き方 :
Meaning :to place on (something); to give (someone) a ride, to give a lift, to pick up, to help on board; to load (luggage), to carry, to take on board; to send out (on the airwaves, etc.); to deceive, to take for a ride; to (sing) along with (musical accompaniment); to let (someone) take part; to excite (someone); to publish (an article), to run (an ad)
Ex :乗せられるのは100キロがマックスです。
Trans :A load of 100 kilograms is the max.
練習 :
59覗く |
Hiragana :のぞく
書き方 :
Meaning :to peek (though a keyhole, gap, etc.); to look down into (a ravine, etc.); to peek into (a shop, bookstore, etc.); to sneak a look at, to take a quick look at; to peep (through a telescope, microscope, etc.); to stick out (a scarf from a collar, etc.), to peek through (sky through a forest canopy, etc.); to face
Ex :被写体に気づかれないようにそぉっとカメラを取り出し、ファインダーを覗く。
Trans :I quietly take out my camera, so as not to be noticed by my photographic subject, and peek through the finder.
60延ばす |
Hiragana :のばす
書き方 :
Meaning :to grow long (e.g. hair, nails); to lengthen, to extend, to stretch; to reach out, to hold out; to straighten, to smooth out; to spread evenly (dough, cream, etc.); to dilute, to thin out; to postpone; to prolong; to strengthen, to develop, to expand
Ex :万一明日雨だったら、次の晴天の日まで出発を延ばします。
Trans :If it should rain tomorrow, I will put off my departure till the first fine day.
練習 :
61延びる |
Hiragana :のびる
書き方 :
Meaning :to stretch, to extend, to lengthen, to spread; to make progress, to grow (beard, body height); to grow stale (soba); to be straightened, to be flattened, to be smoothed; to be exhausted; to be postponed, to be prolonged
Ex :彼女は背が伸びてきている。
Trans :She is growing tall.
練習 :
62上り |
Hiragana :のぼり
書き方 :
Meaning :ascent, climbing, ascending (path), climb; up-train (e.g. going to Tokyo); northward (towards Tokyo)
Ex :道はずっとのぼりだ。
Trans :The road is uphill all the way.
練習 :
63上る |
Hiragana :のぼる
書き方 :
Meaning :to ascend, to go up, to climb; to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the sun), to rise; to go to (the capital); to be promoted; to add up to; to advance (in price); to swim up (a river), to sail up; to come up (on the agenda)
Ex :道は急斜面をジグザグにのぼっていた。
Trans :The path zigzagged up the steep slope.
練習 :
64糊 |
Hiragana :のり
書き方 :
Meaning :paste, glue, clothing starch
Ex :私はのりで二枚の紙を貼り合わせた。
Trans :I stuck two sheets of paper together with paste.
練習 :
65乗換 |
Hiragana :のりかえ
書き方 :
Meaning :transfer (trains, buses, etc.), connection, connexion; switching (stock); chromosomal crossover, crossing over
Ex :途中で乗り換えが必要ですか。
Trans :Is it necessary to change trains along the way?
練習 :
66載る |
Hiragana :のる
書き方 :
Meaning :to be placed on, to be set on, to be piled on, to be loaded on; to appear (in print), to be mentioned, to be recorded, to be reported, to be given
Ex :選挙の結果は夕刊に載るでしょう。
Trans :The results of the election will appear in the evening paper.
練習 :
67鈍い |
Hiragana :のろい
書き方 :
Meaning :dull (e.g. a knife), blunt; thickheaded, obtuse, stupid; dull (sound, color, etc.), dim (light); slow, sluggish, inert, lethargic; indulgent (esp. to the opposite sex), doting
Ex :彼女の運転は、注意深いのではなくて、のろいのだ。
Trans :She drives not carefully but slowly.
練習 :
68ノロノロ |
Hiragana :ノロノロ
書き方 :
Meaning :slowly, sluggishly
Ex :休日で車は街道をのろのろと動いた。
Trans :The holiday traffic crawled along the highway.
練習 :
69呑気 |
Hiragana :のんき
書き方 :
Meaning :carefree, optimistic, careless, reckless, heedless, happy-go-lucky, easygoing, thoughtless
Ex :母は、のんきでほがらかでお人好しです。
Trans :My mother is carefree, cheerful and good-natured.
練習 :
70灰色 |
Hiragana :はいいろ
書き方 :
Meaning :grey, gray, ashen
Ex :彼らは長く灰色の通りのはずれのたいへん小さな家に住んでいました。
Trans :They lived in a very small house at the end of a long, gray street.
練習 :
71俳句 |
Hiragana :はいく
書き方 :
Meaning :haiku, 17-mora poem, usu. in 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 morae
Ex :俳句は季節と関連が深い。
Trans :Haiku are closely related to the seasons of the year.
練習 :
72拝見 |
Hiragana :はいけん
書き方 :
Meaning :seeing, look at
Ex :英語のコミュニティでお名前とコメントを拝見し、プロフィールを拝読しました。
Trans :I saw your name and posts in an English forum and took the liberty of reading your profile.
練習 :
73売店 |
Hiragana :ばいてん
書き方 :
Meaning :shop, stand
Ex :病院売店はどこにありますか。
Trans :Where is the hospital shop?
練習 :
74売買 |
Hiragana :ばいばい
書き方 :
Meaning :trade, buying and selling, trafficking (e.g. of humans, arms, drugs), dealing
Ex :彼は革製品の売買をしている。
Trans :He buys and sells leather goods.
練習 :
75這う |
Hiragana :はう
書き方 :
Meaning :to creep, to crawl
Ex :彼らは前方へはって進んでいった。
Trans :They crept forward.
練習 :
76生える |
Hiragana :はえる
書き方 :
Meaning :to grow, to spring up, to sprout; to cut (teeth)
Ex :娘の永久歯がはえてきました。
Trans :My daughter is cutting her permanent teeth.
練習 :
77剥す |
Hiragana :はがす
書き方 :
Meaning :experiences
Ex :彼はそばかすだらけの顔が青白く見えた。
Trans :His freckle face turned pale.
練習 :
78秤 |
Hiragana :はかり
書き方 :
Meaning :scales, weighing machine
Ex :荷物をはかりの上にのせてください。
Trans :Please put your baggage on this scale.
練習 :
79量る |
Hiragana :はかる
書き方 :
Meaning :to plot, to attempt, to plan, to devise, to design; to take in, to deceive; to aim for, to have something in mind; to refer A to B
Ex :彼女は先生達とよく意思の疎通をはかっている。
Trans :She communicates well with her teachers.
80測る |
Hiragana :はかる
書き方 :
Meaning :to plot, to attempt, to plan, to devise, to design; to take in, to deceive; to aim for, to have something in mind; to refer A to B
Ex :彼女は先生達とよく意思の疎通をはかっている。
Trans :She communicates well with her teachers.
練習 :
81吐き気 |
Hiragana :はきけ
書き方 :
Meaning :nausea, sickness in the stomach
Ex :突然の吐き気が彼は抑えきれなかった。
Trans :A sudden wave of sickness overpowered him.
練習 :
82掃く |
Hiragana :はく
書き方 :
Meaning :to sweep, to brush, to gather up
Ex :彼女は玄関のごみをはいた。
Trans :She swept the dirt from the porch.
練習 :
83歯車 |
Hiragana :はぐるま
書き方 :
Meaning :gear, cog-wheel
Ex :歯車がかみ合っている。
Trans :The cog-wheels are in gear.
練習 :
84バケツ |
Hiragana :バケツ
書き方 :
Meaning :bucket, pail; skip
Ex :彼らはバケツで水を運んだ。
Trans :They carried water in buckets.
練習 :
85挟まる |
Hiragana :はさまる
書き方 :
Meaning :to get between, to be caught in
Ex :女の子の指がドアにはさまった。
Trans :A little girl caught her fingers in the door.
練習 :
86挟む |
Hiragana :はさむ
書き方 :
Meaning :to interpose, to hold between, to insert; to be on either side (e.g. road), to be across (e.g. street, river), to be beyond
Ex :彼らはテーブルをはさんで向かい合った。
Trans :They confronted each other across the table.
練習 :
87箸 |
Hiragana :はし
書き方 :
Meaning :chopsticks
Ex :彼は不器用な手つきではしをつかっていた。
Trans :He used chopsticks in an awkward way.
練習 :
88梯子 |
Hiragana :はしご
書き方 :
Meaning :ladder; stairs; going to several places in succession (e.g. barhopping)
Ex :父は木にはしごを立てかけた。
Trans :My father put a ladder against the tree.
練習 :
89始めに |
Hiragana :はじめに
書き方 :
Meaning :to begin with (used as an introduction), first of all, in the beginning
練習 :
90初めに |
Hiragana :はじめに
書き方 :
Meaning :to begin with (used as an introduction), first of all, in the beginning
練習 :
91外れる |
Hiragana :はずれる
書き方 :
Meaning :to be disconnected, to get out of place, to be off, to be out (e.g. of gear)
Ex :どこの関節がはずれたの?
Trans :Which joint did you dislocate?
練習 :
92パターン |
Hiragana :パターン
書き方 :
Meaning :pattern
Ex :世界貿易の変動パターンが次の表で明らかにされている。
Trans :The shifting pattern of world trade is made clear in the following table.
練習 :
93肌着 |
Hiragana :はだぎ
書き方 :
Meaning :underwear, underclothes, lingerie, chemise, singlet
Ex :彼は肌着を裏返しに着た。
Trans :He put on his undershirt inside out.
練習 :