Learn Japanese Vocabulary N2
Hiragana :だんすい
Meaning :water outage
Ex :断水だんすいになった。
Trans :The water supply has failed.
練習 :
Hiragana :たんすう
Meaning :singular number
練習 :
Hiragana :だんち
Meaning :multi-unit apartments
練習 :
Hiragana :だんてい
Meaning :conclusion, decision
Ex :昨晩さくばん火事かじ放火ほうか断定だんていされた。
Trans :The fire that broke out last night was judged to be caused by arson.
練習 :
Hiragana :たんぺん
Meaning :short (e.g. story, film)
練習 :
Hiragana :ちかう
Meaning :to differ (from), to vary; to not be in the usual condition; to not match the correct (answer, etc.); to be different from promised; isn't it?, wasn't it?
Ex :その後もしゅうさんかいのペースで酔っ払いよっぱらい、そのつど違うちがうおとこ連れつれてくる。
Trans :And after that she, at a pace of three times a week, gets drunk and at those times brings back a different man.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちかぢか
Meaning :underground water
Ex :彼らかれらがデートをしているのを見かけみかけて「近々ちかぢか結婚けっこんするの」ってきいたんだ。
Trans :When I saw them on a date, I asked them, "Do I hear wedding bells?"
練習 :
Hiragana :ちかづける
Meaning :to bring near, to put close, to let come near, to associate with
Ex :電流でんりゅう流れるながれる電線でんせんにコイルを近づけるちかづけると、コイルにも電気でんき流れながれます。
Trans :When a coil is moved near to a wire with current flowing in it current flows in the coil as well.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちかよる
Meaning :to approach, to draw near
Ex :かれ彼女かのじょ近寄っちかよっ握手あくしゅをした。
Trans :He went up to her and they shook hands.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちからづよい
Meaning :powerful, strong, forceful, vigorous; reassuring, encouraging
Ex :間近まぢか迫っせまっ景気けいき回復かいふくは、急速きゅうそく力強いちからづよいものだろう。
Trans :Business recovery, which looks just around the corner, will be rapid and strong.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちしつ
Meaning :geological features
Ex :地質ちしつ学者がくしゃわたしたちの農場のうじょう石油せきゆ実地じっち調査ちょうさ行っおこなった。
Trans :The geologists explored for oil on our farm.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ちじん
Meaning :friend, acquaintance
Ex :彼女かのじょには知人ちじんはたくさんいたが、友人ゆうじんといえるひといちにんもいなかった。
Trans :She had plenty of acquaintances, but no friends.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちたい
Meaning :area, zone, belt (of land)
Ex :平和へいわおか田園でんえん地帯ちたいから、通りとおりがあり群衆ぐんしゅうがいる忙しいいそがしい世界せかいへと移動いどうするのである。
Trans :They are moving from the peaceful hills and the countryside to the busy world of streets and crowds.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ちぢむ
Meaning :to shrink, to contract, to diminish (in size)
Ex :いのち縮むちぢむ思いおもいをした。
Trans :I felt as if my life had been shortened.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちぢめる
Meaning :to shorten, to reduce, to boil down, to shrink
練習 :
Hiragana :ちぢれる
Meaning :to be wavy, to be curled
Ex :パーマをかけたので、髪の毛かみのけ縮れちぢれています。
Trans :Now I have curly hair, because I had a perm.
練習 :
Hiragana :チップ
Meaning :gratuity, tip; chip
Ex :かれ感謝かんしゃのしるしにチップを与えあたえた。
Trans :He gave a tip as a sign of gratitude.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちてん
Meaning :site, point on a map, spot
Ex :かれはその地点ちてん道路どうろ横断おうだんしないようにわたし注意ちゅういした。
Trans :He warned me against crossing the road at that point.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ちめい
Meaning :place name
Ex :登場とうじょうする人物じんぶつ団体だんたいおよび地名ちめい実在じつざいするものと一切いっさい関係かんけいありません。
Trans :There is no relation between characters appearing, organisations and places to those that really exist.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちゃいろい
Meaning :light brown, tawny
Ex :このあたり茶色いちゃいろい財布さいふませんでしたか。
Trans :Did you see a brown wallet around here?
練習 :
Hiragana :ちゃくちゃく
Meaning :steadily
Ex :入試にゅうし制度せいど改革かいかく、カリキュラムの改革かいかく着々ちゃくちゃく進んすすんでいるが、歩みあゆみ遅いおそい
Trans :The reform of both entrance examination system and curriculum makes slow progress.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちゃわん
Meaning :rice bowl, tea cup, teacup
練習 :
Hiragana :ちゅうかん
Meaning :middle, midway, interim
Ex :奴隷どれい反乱はんらんによって妨害ぼうがいされた中間ちゅうかん航路こうろ
Trans :Slave revolts interfere with Middle Passage.
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Hiragana :ちゅうじゅん
Meaning :middle of a month, second third of a month
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Hiragana :ちゅうしょう
Meaning :abstract
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Hiragana :ちゅうせい
Meaning :Middle Ages (in Japan esp. the Kamakura and Muromachi periods ), medieval times, mediaeval times
Ex :中世ちゅうせい教会きょうかい肉体にくたいをさげすみれいをたたえた。
Trans :The medieval church despised the body and exalted the spirit.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ちゅうせい
Meaning :Middle Ages (in Japan esp. the Kamakura and Muromachi periods ), medieval times, mediaeval times
Ex :中世ちゅうせい教会きょうかい肉体にくたいをさげすみれいをたたえた。
Trans :The medieval church despised the body and exalted the spirit.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちゅうと
Meaning :in the middle, half-way
Ex :かれ中途ちゅうと引き返しひきかえした。
Trans :He turned back halfway.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ちゅうねん
Meaning :middle-age, middle age, midlife, one's middle years
Ex :その中年ちゅうねん女性じょせいたちは途中とちゅうずっと大声おおごえ話しはなしつづけていた。
Trans :The middle-aged women kept talking loudly all the way.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょうか
Meaning :excess, being more than
Ex :収入しゅうにゅう超過ちょうかして支出ししゅつをするな。
Trans :Never spend in excess of your income.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょうこく
Meaning :carving, engraving, sculpture
Ex :かれ絵画かいが彫刻ちょうこく学ぶまなぶために美術びじゅつ学校がっこう通っとおった。
Trans :He went to art school to study painting and sculpture.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょうしょ
Meaning :strong point, merit, virtue, advantage
Ex :かれ弱点じゃくてんかれ長所ちょうしょ帳消しちょうけしにしている。
Trans :His weakness cancels out his virtues.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ちょうじょ
Meaning :eldest daughter, first-born daughter
Ex :かれ番目ばんめのレストランの経営けいえいを、長女ちょうじょにまかせた。
Trans :He put his eldest daughter in charge of his second restaurant.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ちょうせい
Meaning :regulation, coordination, adjustment, tuning, modification, alteration
Ex :かれ優れすぐれ調整ちょうせいやくで、ずっとそのようにられていた。
Trans :He is an excellent fixer, and has always been regarded as such.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ちょうせつ
Meaning :regulation, adjustment, control
Ex :調節ちょうせつレバーをうえ上げるあげるめんたかさを調節ちょうせつできます。
Trans :You can adjust the seat height by moving the adjustment lever up.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょうたん
Meaning :length; long and short, advantages and disadvantages, pluses and minuses, strong and weak points, merits and demerits
練習 :   
Hiragana :ちょうてん
Meaning :top, summit
Ex :自動車じどうしゃ生産せいさん頂点ちょうてん超えこえた。
Trans :Automobile production has peaked out.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょうなん
Meaning :eldest son (may be the only son), first-born son
Ex :かれわたし長男ちょうなん名付け親なづけおやであった。
Trans :He stood godfather to my first son.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょうほうけい
Meaning :rectangle, oblong
Ex :この構成こうせいにおいて、三角形さんかっけい変わりかわり長方形ちょうほうけい用いもちいても類似るいじ困難こんなん生ずるしょうずる
Trans :We encounter similar difficulties when we substitute rectangles for triangles in this configuration.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょうみりょう
Meaning :flavoring (e.g. salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, etc.), seasoning
練習 :
Hiragana :チョーク
Meaning :chalk; choke; chock
Ex :いちほんのチョークを取り出しとりだした。
Trans :He took out a piece of chalk.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょくご
Meaning :immediately following
Ex :かれ終戦しゅうせん直後ちょくご出獄しゅつごくした。
Trans :He was released from prison immediately after the war.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょくせん
Meaning :straight line
Ex :かれかべうえ直線ちょくせん書いかいた。
Trans :He drew a straight line on the wall.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ちょくぜん
Meaning :just before
Ex :生徒せいとたちは試験しけん直前ちょくぜんになるまで本気ほんきになって勉強べんきょうしない。
Trans :The students never really get with it till just before the exam.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょくつう
Meaning :direct communication
Ex :ダイヤル直通ちょくつうですか。
Trans :Can I dial directly?
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょくりゅう
Meaning :direct current, DC
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょぞう
Meaning :storage, preservation
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょっかく
Meaning :right angle, perpendicular
Ex :かれ水彩すいさい絵具えのぐ短くみじかくほぼ直角ちょっかくふで使いづかい用いもちいた。
Trans :He used water colors in short vertical brush-strokes.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちょっけい
Meaning :diameter
Ex :直径ちょっけいいちメートル、ふかメートルのあな掘るほるのに、やく時間じかんはんかかりました。
Trans :It took me about two and a half hours to dig a hole one meter in diameter and two meters in depth.
練習 :
Meaning :surroundings, circumference
Ex :指導者に言われた通りにしただけです。
Trans :I only did just as the coach told me.
練習 :
Meaning :surroundings, circumference
Ex :指導者に言われた通りにしただけです。
Trans :I only did just as the coach told me.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちらす
Meaning :to scatter, to cause a shower of; to disperse, to distribute, to spread; to resolve (a symptom, condition, etc.), to relieve, to get rid of, to cure; to distract, to divert; to do ... wildly (i.e. disorderly or frequently), to do ... all over the place
Ex :両替りょうがえじんきん散らしちらし、そのだい倒したおした。
Trans :He scattered the coins of the money-changers and overturned their table.
練習 :
Hiragana :ちりがみ
Meaning :(a) tissue; toilet paper
練習 :
Hiragana :ちる
Meaning :to fall (e.g. blossoms, leaves); to scatter, to be dispersed; to disappear, to dissolve, to break up; to spread, to run, to blur; to die a noble death
Ex :彼女かのじょ枯葉かれは散っちっていくのを眺めながめていた。
Trans :She was watching the dead leaves falling.
練習 :
Hiragana :ついか
Meaning :addition, supplement, append (e.g. to a file), appendix
Ex :名簿めいぼわたし名前なまえ追加ついかしてください。
Trans :Please add my name to the list.
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Hiragana :つうか
Meaning :currency
Ex :日本にっぽんえん安定あんていした通貨つうかだ。
Trans :The Japanese yen is a stable currency.
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Hiragana :つうきん
Meaning :commuting to work
Ex :ちちはいつも歩いあるい通勤つうきんするわけではない。
Trans :My father does not always walk to work.
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Hiragana :つうち
Meaning :notice, notification, report, posting
Ex :義務ぎむは、許可きょか通知つうちのち発行はっこうりょう支払っしはらっのち、も続くつづくてん留意りゅうい
Trans :It should be noted that the duty continues after a notice of allowance is mailed and the issue fee is paid.
練習 :   
Hiragana :つうちょう
Meaning :passbook, bankbook
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Hiragana :つうやく
Meaning :interpretation (i.e. oral translation), interpreter
Ex :彼女かのじょ通訳つうやくとして雇わやとわれた。
Trans :She was engaged as an interpreter.
練習 :   
Hiragana :つうよう
Meaning :popular use, circulation; to pass as
Ex :もっと古典こてんてき顔立ちかおだちなのかと思いおもいきや、いま時代じだいでも充分じゅうぶん通用つうようする美形びけいです。
Trans :I expected more classical features, but hers is a beauty that would do well even in this age.
練習 :   
Hiragana :つうろ
Meaning :passage, pathway, roadway, avenue, aisle
Ex :くるま通路つうろ防いふせいでいた。
Trans :A car was blocking the gateway.
練習 :
Hiragana :つきあう
Meaning :to associate with, to keep company with, to go out with, to go steady with, to get on with; to go along with, to follow someone's lead, to accompany someone, to compromise
Ex :この天気てんきとは気長きなが付き合っつきあっていくしかない。
Trans :You have to learn to put up with this weather.
練習 :
Hiragana :つきあたり
Meaning :end (e.g. of street, hallway, etc.)
Ex :つぎ通りとおりのつきあたりにわたしたちいえがあります。
練習 :
Hiragana :つきあたる
Meaning :to run into, to collide with, to come to the end of (a street)
Ex :薬屋くすりやはこのみち突きつき当たりあたりにあります。
Trans :The drugstore is at the end of this road.
練習 :
Hiragana :つきひ
Meaning :time, years, days
Ex :その二つふたつ事件じけんにはなんねんもの月日つきひ経ったっていた。
Trans :Years intervene between the two incidents.
練習 :   
Hiragana :つく
Meaning :to be lit (e.g. electricity comes on), to be lighted; to catch fire
Ex :木造もくぞう建築けんちくぶつがつきやすい。
Trans :Wooden buildings catch fire easily.
練習 :
Hiragana :つく
Ex :彼女かのじょはころんでひじをついた。
Trans :She hurt her elbow when she fell down.
練習 :
Hiragana :つぐ
Meaning :to rank next to, to come after
Ex :彼女かのじょはロング次ぐつぐ最高さいこうのピアニストです。
Trans :She is our next best pianist after Mr Long.
練習 :
Meaning :surroundings, circumference
Ex :指導者に言われた通りにしただけです。
Trans :I only did just as the coach told me.
練習 :
Hiragana :つける
Meaning :to soak, to seep, to dip in; to pickle
Ex :かれはスプーンをスープのなかにつけた。
Trans :He dipped his spoon into the soup.
練習 :
Hiragana :つける
Meaning :to turn on, to switch on, to light up
Ex :よるにスタジオでは電気でんきをつけない。
練習 :
Hiragana :つける
Meaning :to soak, to seep, to dip in; to pickle
Ex :かれはスプーンをスープのなかにつけた。
Trans :He dipped his spoon into the soup.
練習 :
Hiragana :つたわる
Meaning :to be handed down, to be introduced, to be transmitted, to be circulated, to go along, to walk along
Ex :質問しつもん内容ないよう具体ぐたいてき伝わるつたわるように書いかいてください。
Trans :Please write in a way that concretely conveys the question.
練習 :
Hiragana :つっこむ
Meaning :to thrust something into something; to plunge into, to go into deeply; to meddle, to interfere; to retort; to riposte
Ex :かれ両手りょうてをポケットに深くふかく突っ込んつっこんでいた。
Trans :His hands were deep in his pockets.
練習 :
Hiragana :つとめる
Meaning :to endeavor (endeavour), to try, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to be diligent
練習 :   
Hiragana :つとめる
Meaning :to endeavor (endeavour), to try, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to be diligent
練習 :
Hiragana :つな
Meaning :rope; grand champion's braided belt
Ex :「委員いいんちょうのちなに運ぶはこぶんだっけ?」「得点板とくてんばん大玉おおだまもういち綱引きつなひきつな
Trans :"Mr Chairman, what needs moving next, again?" "Scoreboard, giant ball and the tug-of-war rope."
練習 :
Hiragana :つながり
Meaning :connection, link, relationship
Ex :オランダはドイツ密接みっせつなつながりがある。
Trans :Dutch is closely related to German.
練習 :
Hiragana :つながる
Meaning :to be tied together, to be connected to, to be related to
Ex :運命うんめい赤いあかいいとでつながってるんだよ。
練習 :
Hiragana :つなげる
Meaning :to tie, to fasten, to connect, to transfer (phone call)
Ex :わたしのテープレコーダーはきみのアンプにもつなげられる。
Trans :My tape recorder is compatible with your amplifier.
練習 :
Hiragana :つぶ
Meaning :grain, bead, drop; counter for small round objects including grains, seeds, pills, drops
Ex :わたしろく時間じかんごとにつぶ飲まのまなければなりません。
Trans :I have to take two pills every six hours.
練習 :
Hiragana :つぶす
Meaning :to smash, to crush; to shut down; to thwart, to block; to kill (time); to waste (e.g. talents)
Ex :だが、レーガン政権せいけん最高さいこう裁判所さいばんしょ潰さつぶされるまえでさえ、OSHAOSHA茶番ちゃばんであった。
Trans :Even before Reagan and the Supreme Court stifled it, OSHA was a farce.
練習 :
Hiragana :つぶれる
Meaning :to be smashed; to become useless, to cease functioning; to go bankrupt
Ex :かれ全力ぜんりょくをふりしぼってつぶれたくるまからはい出した。
Trans :He used all his strength to crawl out of the wrecked car.
練習 :
Hiragana :つまずく
Meaning :to stumble, to trip; to fail
Ex :彼女かのじょいしにつまずいた。
Trans :She tripped on the stone.
練習 :
Hiragana :つまる
Meaning :to be packed (with), to be full (space, schedule, etc.); to be blocked (road, pipe, etc.), to be clogged, to be plugged up; to shorten (width, interval, etc.), to shrink (shirt, word form, etc.), to narrow; to be at a loss, to be hard pressed; to end up, to be settled; to become a geminate consonant; to hit the ball near the handle of the bat
Ex :涙腺るいせん詰まっつまっていると言わいわれました。
Trans :I was told my tear duct was blocked.
練習 :
Hiragana :つむ
Meaning :to pile up, to stack; to load (car, ship, etc.), to pack; to acquire, to accumulate
Ex :それでゆき踏みふみ固めかためてブロックを作りつくり、それを積むつむような方法ほうほう適してきしているんですね。
Trans :And so the method that works is treading down the snow to harden it, making blocks and piling them up.
練習 :
Hiragana :つめ
Meaning :nail (e.g. fingernail, toenail), claw, talon, hoof; plectrum, pick; hook, clasp
Ex :ねこはつめを引っ込めひっこめた。
Trans :The cat retracted its claws.
練習 :
Hiragana :つや
Meaning :gloss, glaze; charm, romance, love, youthfulness; color, colour, feeling
Ex :この金属きんぞく磨くみがくとつやがでる。
Trans :This metal burnishes well.
練習 :
Hiragana :つよき
Meaning :confident, assured, self-assured, firm, strong, cocksure; bullish (e.g. market)
Ex :かれ強気つよきだ。
Trans :He comes on strong.
練習 :   
Hiragana :つりあう
Meaning :to balance, to be in harmony, to suit, to go well together, to counterbalance, to reach equilibrium
Ex :彼女かのじょふくいろくついろはよく釣り合っつりあっている。
Trans :The color of her dress and that of her shoes go well together.
練習 :
Hiragana :つる
Meaning :to hang, to suspend (something from something), to be hanged (by the neck); to hoist an opponent off of his feet by his loincloth
Ex :わたしたちはまだ電話でんわをつりつけていません。
Trans :We are not on the telephone yet.
練習 :
Hiragana :つるす
Meaning :to hang, to hang up
Ex :彼女かのじょ鳥かごとりかごのきからつるした。
Trans :She hung the cage from the eaves.
練習 :
Hiragana :であい
Meaning :encounter
Ex :彼女かのじょとの出会いであい始まっはじまった。
Trans :I began a meeting with her.
練習 :
Hiragana :てあらい
Meaning :washing one's hands, water (or basin, etc.) for washing one's hands; restroom, lavatory, toilet; hand-washing (laundry, etc.)
Ex :婦人ふじんよう手洗いてあらいはどこですか。
練習 :   
Hiragana :ていいん
Meaning :fixed number of regular personnel, capacity (of boat, hall, aeroplane, airplane, etc.)
Ex :ボートは定員ていいんオーバーでバランスを失っうしなった。
Trans :The boat was off balance because it was overload.
練習 :
Hiragana :ていか
Meaning :list price, regular price, established price
Ex :これはバーゲン商品しょうひんなので定価ていかよりやすくなっているんじゃないですか。
練習 :
Hiragana :ていか
Meaning :fall, decline, lowering, deterioration, degradation
Ex :管理かんり人体じんたい調ちょう不良ふりょう、モチの低下ていかとうにより継続けいぞく不可能ふかのう判断はんだんしました。
Trans :Due to ill-health of the web-manager, loss of motivation and other circumstances I have decided that it is not possible to continue.
練習 :
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