Learn Japanese Vocabulary N2
Hiragana :ていきけん
Meaning :commuter pass, season ticket
Ex :わたし愚かおろかにも定期ていきけんいえ置き忘れおきわすれた。
Trans :I was foolish enough to leave my commutation ticket at home.
練習 :
Hiragana :ていきゅうび
Meaning :regular holiday, fixed day off, regular closing day
Ex :本日ほんじつ定休ていきゅう
Trans :Today is our regular closing day.
練習 :
Hiragana :ていし
Meaning :suspension, interruption, stoppage, ban, standstill, halt, hang-up, deadlock, stalemate, abeyance; suspension of music, dance, etc. as a sign of mourning for a prominent person
Ex :列車れっしゃ滑らかなめらか停止ていしした。
Trans :The train came to a smooth stop.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ていしゃ
Meaning :stopping (e.g. train)
Ex :列車れっしゃはほんのすこし停車ていしゃした。
Trans :The train made a brief stop.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ていでん
Meaning :power outage, electricity outage, blackout, failure of electricity supply
Ex :停電ていでん場内じょうない混乱こんらん一因いちいんとなった。
Trans :A power failure contributed to the confusion in the hall.
練習 :   
Hiragana :でいり
Meaning :in and out, coming and going, free association, income and expenditure, debits and credit
Ex :かれはよくわたしところ出入りでいりした。
Trans :He was accustomed to frequenting my house.
練習 :
Hiragana :でいりぐち
Meaning :exit and entrance
練習 :
Hiragana :ていれ
Meaning :repairs, maintenance, tending, trimming, grooming; crackdown, (police) raid
Ex :本日ほんじつ乗馬じょうばうま手入れていれをしているときにうっかり右足みぎあし踏まふまれた。
Trans :Today, after riding, while grooming the horse I carelessly got my right foot trod on.
練習 :
Hiragana :テーマ
Meaning :theme, topic, subject matter, motif, project, slogan
Ex :両方りょうほう展望てんぼうにはある共通きょうつうのテーマがある。
Trans :A common theme underlies both perspectives.
練習 :
Hiragana :でかける
Meaning :to make, to do, to produce, to work on
Ex :なんでも自分じぶん手がけるてがけると、いとおしくなるものです。
Trans :Whatever it is, you become fonder of it if you work on it yourself.
練習 :
Hiragana :できあがり
Meaning :finish, completion, ready, made for, cut out
練習 :
Hiragana :できあがる
Meaning :to be completed, to be finished, to be ready (e.g. to serve or eat); to be very drunk
Ex :わく出来上がるできあがると、クモはちょうど自転車じてんしゃ車輪しゃりんのやのように、それにきぬいとをかける。
Trans :When the frame is finished, the spider fixes lines of silk across it, just like the spokes of a bicycle wheel.
練習 :
Hiragana :てきかく
Meaning :precise, accurate
Ex :間髪かんぱつ入れいれず、迅速じんそくかつ的確てきかく応対おうたい畏れ入りおそれいります。
Trans :Such an accurate, lightning-quick reply. What can I say?
練習 :
Hiragana :てきかく
Meaning :eligible, qualified, competent
練習 :
Hiragana :てくび
Meaning :wrist
Ex :かれわたし手首てくび掴んつかんだ。
Trans :He seized me by the wrist.
練習 :
Hiragana :でこぼこ
Meaning :unevenness, roughness, ruggedness; inequality
Ex :みちはとてもでこぼこだった。
Trans :The road was very rough.
練習 :
Hiragana :てごろ
Meaning :moderate, handy, convenient, reasonable
Ex :賃料ちんりょう手頃てごろなら、どんなマンションでも構いかまいません。
Trans :Any apartment will do as long as the rent is reasonable.
練習 :
Hiragana :てちょう
Meaning :notebook, memo pad; certificate; identification card
Ex :老人ろうじんわたし手帳てちょうて、微笑みほほえみかけました。
Trans :The old man saw my notebook and smiled at me.
練習 :
Hiragana :てっきょう
Meaning :railway bridge, iron bridge
Ex :鉄橋てっきょうまでかわ沿いぞい歩いあるい行っいった。
Trans :I walked along the river until I got to the iron bridge.
練習 :
Hiragana :てつづき
Meaning :procedure, (legal) process, formalities
練習 :
Hiragana :てっぽう
Meaning :gun; wooden pole that wrestlers strike in practice; fugu
Ex :でも鉄砲てっぽうでも持っもってこい。
Trans :Let them all come.
練習 :
Hiragana :てぬぐい
Meaning :(hand) towel
練習 :
Hiragana :てまえ
Meaning :before, this side; one's standpoint, one's appearance; we; you
Ex :そのドアは手前てまえ折りおりたためるようになっている。
Trans :The doors fold back.
練習 :
Hiragana :でむかえ
Meaning :meeting, reception
Ex :列車れっしゃ降りるおりるとすぐに、かれはいとこの出迎えでむかえ受けうけた。
Trans :On getting off the train, he was met by his cousin.
練習 :
Hiragana :でむかえる
Meaning :to meet, to greet
Ex :明日あした列車れっしゃから降りるおりるあなたを出迎えるでむかえるつもりです。
Trans :I will meet you off the train tomorrow.
練習 :
Hiragana :てらす
Meaning :to shine on, to illuminate
Ex :真昼まひる太陽たいようがテニスコートを眩むくらむほどに照らしてらしあげた。
Trans :The noonday sun beat down with dazzling brightness on the tennis court.
練習 :
Hiragana :てる
Meaning :to shine; to look slightly upward (of a noh mask; indicating joy, etc.)
Ex :照るてるうちにくさ干せほせ
Trans :Make hay while the sun shines.
練習 :
Hiragana :てんかい
Meaning :development, evolution, progressing, unfolding; expansion, spreading out, extending, deployment, building up
Ex :フロイトは、親子おやこかん愛憎あいぞう関係かんけいをエディプス・コンプレックスとして展開てんかいしました。
Trans :Freud developed the love-hate relationship between parents and child as the Oedipus complex.
練習 :   
Hiragana :でんき
Meaning :biography, life story
Ex :かれはある有名ゆうめい詩人しじん伝記でんき書いかいた。
Trans :He wrote a biography of a famous poet.
練習 :
Hiragana :でんきゅう
Meaning :light bulb
Ex :電球でんきゅう切れきれた。
Trans :The light bulb has burned out.
練習 :
Hiragana :てんすう
Meaning :marks, points, score, runs, number of items, credits
Ex :彼女かのじょ英語えいご点数てんすうがよい。
Trans :She gets good marks in English.
練習 :   
Hiragana :でんせん
Meaning :contagion, infection
Ex :風邪かぜ伝染でんせんする。
Trans :Colds are contagious.
練習 :   
Hiragana :でんち
Meaning :battery
Ex :電池でんち売っうっていますか。
Trans :Do you sell batteries?
練習 :   
Hiragana :でんちゅう
Meaning :telephone pole, telegraph pole, lightpole
Ex :かれくるま電柱でんちゅうにぶつけた。
Trans :He ran the car into a lamppost.
練習 :   
Hiragana :てんのう
Meaning :Emperor of Japan
Ex :天皇てんのう亡くなっなくなっ方々かたがたれい祈りいのり捧げささげた。
Trans :The Emperor prayed for the souls of the deceased.
練習 :
Hiragana :でんぱ
Meaning :electro-magnetic wave, radio wave; nonsense
Ex :かれ携帯けいたい電話でんわ電話でんわ妨害ぼうがいする電波でんぱ出しだした。
Trans :His mobile phone produced radio emissions that interfered with other phones.
練習 :
Hiragana :テンポ
Meaning :tempo
Ex :リズムは軽快けいかいでテンポは速くはやく、そのきょく若者わかもの好まこのまれている。
Trans :The rhythm is light, and the tempo fast - that song is liked by young people.
練習 :
Hiragana :でんりゅう
Meaning :electric current
Ex :ソレノイドへの突入とつにゅう電流でんりゅうでノイズが発生はっせいします。
Trans :Noise is produced by the sudden flow of current into a solenoid.
練習 :
Hiragana :でんりょく
Meaning :electric power
Ex :人工じんこうてきひかり電力でんりょくという手段しゅだんによって作らつくられた。
Trans :Artificial light is produced by means of electricity.
練習 :
Hiragana :といあわせ
Meaning :enquiry, inquiry, ENQ, query, interrogation
Ex :商品しょうひんに関するお問い合わせといあわせは、フリーダイヤルをご利用りようください。
Trans :Please use our toll-free number for calls regarding merchandise.
練習 :   
Hiragana :どう
Meaning :copper
Ex :どうぎん金属きんぞくである。
Trans :Copper and silver are both metals.
練習 :   
Hiragana :とういつ
Meaning :unity, consolidation, uniformity, unification, compatible
Ex :かれ様々さまざまのグループを統一とういつしようとした。
Trans :He tried to unify the various groups.
練習 :   
Hiragana :とうげ
Meaning :ridge, (mountain) pass, difficult part
Ex :わたしたちとうげにさしかかるころあめになった。
Trans :It began to rain as we came near the pass.
練習 :
Hiragana :とうけい
Meaning :statistics
Ex :彼女かのじょ論文ろんぶん提出ていしゅつされた統計とうけいデータは、その頻度ひんど見積もるみつもるのに大いにおおいに役立つやくだつ
Trans :The statistical data presented in her paper is of great use for us in estimating the frequency of the movement.
練習 :   
Hiragana :どうさ
Meaning :action, movements, motions, bearing, behaviour, behavior, execution, actuation, operation, manners
Ex :過去かこ動作どうさについては過去かこがた用いもちいます。
Trans :"Past tense" is used in connection with actions in the past.
練習 :
Hiragana :とうざい
Meaning :east and west; Orient and Occident, East and West; Ladies and Gentlemen!, Your attention, please!, roll-up, roll-up
Ex :バルカン山脈さんみゃくはブルガリアの中央ちゅうおう東西とうざい走るはしる山脈さんみゃく
Trans :The Balkan Mountain range runs across Bulgaria from west to east.
練習 :
Hiragana :とうじつ
Meaning :appointed day, very day
Ex :かれ当日とうじつ借り着かりぎをした。
Trans :He hired the garment for the day.
練習 :   
Hiragana :とうしょ
Meaning :letter to the editor, letter from a reader, contribution
Ex :その会合かいごう当初とうしょ予定よていどおりに開催かいさいされた。
Trans :The meeting was held as intended at the outset.
練習 :
Hiragana :とうじょう
Meaning :entry (on stage), appearance (on screen); entrance, introduction (into a market)
Ex :「西遊せいゆう」のなかには錬金術れんきんじゅつはなし数多くかずおおく登場とうじょうします。
Trans :Many tales of alchemy show up in "Journey to the West".
練習 :   
Hiragana :どうせ
Meaning :anyhow, in any case, at any rate, after all, at best, at most, at all
Ex :どうせ駄作ださくだろうと思っおもっていたのだけど、どっこいなかなかいいほんだった。
練習 :
Hiragana :とうなん
Meaning :lighthouse; old-fashioned interior light fixture comprising a wooden pole with an oil-filled dish and a wick atop it
Ex :遠方えんぽうにほの白いしろい灯台とうだい立ったっていた。
Trans :In the distance there stood a dimly white lighthouse.
練習 :
Hiragana :とうばん
Meaning :being on duty
Ex :今日きょうはジョンが当番とうばんです。
Trans :John is on duty today.
練習 :
Hiragana :とうぶん
Meaning :division into equal parts
Ex :正方形せいほうけい等分とうぶんせよ。
Trans :Cut a square in halves.
練習 :
Hiragana :とうめい
Meaning :transparency, cleanness
Ex :へんこういたときは、まずへんこういたをつけじょう保護ほごばん透明とうめいアクリルばんをつけセットします。
Trans :When attaching a polarizing plate, set it first and then attach a protective plate (a clear acrylic plate).
練習 :
Hiragana :とうゆ
Meaning :lamp oil, kerosene
練習 :
Hiragana :とうよう
Meaning :Orient
Ex :仏教ぶっきょうに関するその記事きじわたし再びふたたび東洋とうよう宗教しゅうきょうに関する興味きょうみ呼び起こしよびおこした。
Trans :The article on Buddhism revived my interest in Oriental religions.
練習 :   
Hiragana :どうわ
Meaning :fairy-tale
Ex :かれはこの童話どうわをひとりで書いかいた。
Trans :He wrote this fairy tale by himself.
練習 :
Meaning :surroundings, circumference
Ex :指導者に言われた通りにしただけです。
Trans :I only did just as the coach told me.
練習 :
Hiragana :とかす
Meaning :to melt, to dissolve
Ex :かれはコーヒーに砂糖さとう溶かしとかした。
Trans :He dissolved some sugar in his coffee.
練習 :
Hiragana :とがる
Meaning :to taper to a point, to become sharp; to look displeased, to look sour, to be on edge, to be touchy
Ex :きつつきは、長くながく尖っとがったくちばしで、みきをつついて、なかにいるむし食べたべます。
Trans :Woodpeckers peck tree trunks with their long pointed beaks and eat insects found there.
練習 :
Hiragana :ドキドキ
Meaning :thump-thump, bang-bang, pit-a-pat, pitapat, pitter-patter; to beat fast (of one's heart), to throb, to pound, to palpitate
Ex :名前なまえ呼ばよばれてむねがどきどきした。
Trans :My heart beat when I heard my name called.
練習 :
Hiragana :とく
Meaning :to dissolve (paint), to scramble (eggs), to melt (metal, etc.), to mix (water with flour, etc.)
Ex :かれどく飲んのん自殺じさつした。
Trans :He killed himself by taking poison.
練習 :
Hiragana :どく
Meaning :to step aside, to move (i.e. out of the way), to make way; to resign, to retire, to quit, to secede
Ex :「どいてください」「やんのか?あんちゃん」
Trans :"Please move aside." "Ya wanna make something of it, sonny?"
練習 :
Hiragana : とくしゅ
Meaning :special, particular, peculiar, unique
Ex :namenameにはページの識別しきべつめい日本語にほんご特殊とくしゅ文字もじ使用しようできません与えあたえます。
練習 :   
Hiragana :とくしょく
Meaning :characteristic, feature, idiosyncrasy, personal colour; spot color (in printing)
Ex :日本にっぽん多くおおくのはっきりした特色とくしょくがある。
Trans :Japan has many distinctive traits.
練習 :
Hiragana :とくてい
Meaning :forte, merit
Ex :かれ性格せいかく特長とくちょうはあつかましさだ。
Trans :His personality is marked by forwardness.
練習 :   
Hiragana :とくばい
Meaning :special sale
Ex :毛皮けがわのコートが特売とくばいちゅうです。
Trans :Fur coats are on sale.
練習 :
Hiragana :とけこむ
Meaning :to melt into, to merge into; to fit in, to adapt, to blend
Ex :わたしはすぐに新しいあたらしい学校がっこう溶け込んとけこんだ。
Trans :I quickly adapted myself to my new school.
練習 :
Hiragana :とける
Meaning :to melt, to thaw, to fuse, to dissolve
Ex :溶けとけ続けるつづける氷河ひょうが監視かんしするために、人工じんこう衛星えいせい軌道きどう打ち上げうちあげられた。
Trans :A satellite was launched into orbit to monitor melting glaciers.
練習 :   
Hiragana :どける
Meaning :to put something out of the way, to move (something, someone) aside; to remove, to exclude, to take away; to set aside, to keep apart; to remove (someone) from the group, to shun; (after the -te form of a verb) to do well despite difficulties, to accomplish despite adversity; (after the -te form of a verb) to do resolutely, to do boldly
Ex :かれ不慮ふりょ遂げとげた。
Trans :He died an unnatural death.
練習 :
Hiragana :とこのま
Meaning :tokonoma (alcove where art or flowers are displayed)
練習 :
Hiragana :とこや
Meaning :barbershop, barber
Ex :床屋とこや行っいっかみ刈っかってもらいなさい。
練習 :
Hiragana :ところどころ
Meaning :here and there, some parts (of something), several places
Ex :そのほん所々ところどころ非常ひじょうにすばらしい。
Trans :Parts of the book are quite good.
練習 :
Hiragana :としん
Meaning :city centre (center) (esp. capital city), urban centre, heart of city a metropolis
Ex :かれはその商売しょうばい都心としん集中しゅうちゅうした。
Trans :He centered his business on the metropolitan area.
練習 :
Hiragana :とだな
Meaning :cupboard, locker, closet, wardrobe, cabinet
Ex :さら戸棚とだなへしまってくれますか。
Trans :Will you put the dishes away in the cupboard?
練習 :
Hiragana :とどまる
Meaning :to remain, to abide, to stay (in the one place); to be limited to, to be confined to
練習 :
Hiragana :とびこむ
Meaning :to jump in, to leap in, to plunge into, to dive
Ex :くるま草地くさち飛び込みとびこみ、しばらくガクンガクンと走っはしっ止まっとまったのです。
Trans :The car dove into the field and, after bumping along for a time, came to a halt.
練習 :   
Hiragana :とぶ
Meaning :to jump, to leap, to spring, to bound, to hop; to fly, to soar
Ex :彼らかれら北極ほっきょく地方ちほうからみなみへとびます。
Trans :They fly south from the arctic region.
練習 :
Hiragana :とまる
Meaning :to stay at (e.g. hotel); to be docked, to be berthed, to be moored
Ex :旅行りょこうしゃたちは海岸かいがんのホテルにとまった。
Trans :The travelers stayed at a seaside hotel.
練習 :
Hiragana :とめる
Meaning :to give shelter to, to lodge, to put up, to accommodate
Ex :かれをそのよる泊めとめてやった。
Trans :I accommodated him for the night.
練習 :
Hiragana :ともかく
Meaning :anyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case, be that as it may
Ex :冗談じょうだんはともかく、きみ頭脳ずのう医者いしゃにみせるべきだ。
Trans :Joking apart, you ought to see a doctor about your headache.
練習 :
Hiragana :とらえる
Meaning :to seize, to capture, to arrest; to grasp, to perceive, to treat (as)
Ex :彼らかれら狩りかり獲物えものをたくさん捕らえとらえた。
Trans :They had a good hunt.
練習 :
Meaning :surroundings, circumference
Ex :指導者に言われた通りにしただけです。
Trans :I only did just as the coach told me.
練習 :
Hiragana :とりけす
Meaning :to cancel, to withdraw, to retract, to take back (words, etc.), to revoke
Ex :予約よやく取り消しとりけしてください。
Trans :Could you cancel my reservation?
練習 :
Hiragana :とりだす
Meaning :to take out, to produce, to pick out; to fetch, to retrieve
Ex :被写体ひしゃたい気づかきづかれないようにそぉっとカメラを取り出しとりだし、ファインダーを覗くのぞく
Trans :I quietly take out my camera, so as not to be noticed by my photographic subject, and peek through the finder.
練習 :
Hiragana :とる
Meaning :to adopt (measure, proposal); to pick (e.g. fruit), to catch (e.g. insects), to take (e.g. a sample); to assume (attitude); to take on (i.e. hire), to engage
Ex :そのりんごを採っとっ半分はんぶん切りきりなさい。
Trans :Take the apple and divide it into halves.
練習 :
Hiragana :とる
Meaning :to take, to catch, to capture
Ex :彼らかれらはどんな体勢たいせい捕っとってもかた強いつよいからいい返球へんきゅうができる。
Trans :Their shoulders are strong no matter what stance they are in so they can throw back to the pitcher well.
練習 :
Hiragana :トレーニング
Meaning :training
Ex :かれ筋肉きんにくをつけるためにトレーニングしている。
Trans :He has been working out to develop his muscles.
練習 :
Hiragana :どんぶり
Meaning :porcelain bowl; bowl of rice with food on top
Ex :彼女かのじょこぶしでテーブルをドンと叩いたたいた。
Trans :She banged the table with her fist.
練習 :   
Hiragana :ないか
Meaning :internal medicine, i.e. treatment by medical procedures rather than surgical procedures; department of internal medicine (hospital, etc.)
Ex :内科ないかはどこですか。
Trans :Where is the Internal Medicine Department?
練習 :
Hiragana :ないせん
Meaning :phone extension, indoor wiring, inner line
Ex :内線ないせんよんばんをお願いします。
Trans :Extension 45 please.
練習 :
Hiragana :ナイロン
Meaning :nylon
Ex :ナイロンストッキングはすぐつてせんする。
Trans :Nylon stockings often run.
練習 :
Hiragana :なおす
Meaning :to cure, to heal; to fix, to correct, to repair; to do over again (after -masu base of verb); to replace, to put back as it was; to convert (into a different state), to transform
練習 :
Hiragana :ながい
Meaning :long (distance); long (time), lengthy
Ex :現在げんざい完了かんりょうは、過去かこ現在げんざいという長いながいスパンを表現ひょうげんするものです。
Trans :The present perfect expresses the long span from past to present.
練習 :
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